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State Administration of Radio, Film and Television

(No. 25)

The Administrative Measures for the Approval of Radio and Television Equipment and Materials Entering the Internet was approved by the Executive Council on June 15, 2004 and is hereby promulgated. It will come into force on August 1, 2004.

Secretary: Xu Guangchun

June 18, 2004

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in order to guarantee the safety, high quality and efficient broadcast and transmission of radio and television program signals, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of radio and television users, and regulating the access management of radio and television equipment and equipment.
Article 2 The State shall implement the system for admitting access to networks for the related equipment and equipment intended to enter radio and television stations, broadcasting and television transmission coverage networks, and monitoring and monitoring networks.
Article 3 The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (hereinafter referred to as SARFT) shall be responsible for the administration of the nationwide access to radio and television equipment and materials (hereinafter referred to as the network access authorization).
    The local radio and television administrative departments at various levels shall be responsible for the administration of network admission within their respective administrative areas in accordance with the present Measures.
Article 4 Radio, television, radio and television transmission coverage networks and monitoring and monitoring network operation units shall not use radio and television equipment that have not obtained the valid access certificate issued by SARFT.
Article 5 The designated designated by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television shall apply the technical standards for network entry, make a unified print, and issue a certificate of network access.

Chapter II Application and Determination

Article VI of the network identified follow the principle of voluntary business.
Article 7 The unit applying for network admission shall have a sound quality assurance system and after-sales service measures.
Article 8 The following radio and television equipment shall be authenticated on the network:
(A) cable TV system front-end equipment and equipment;
(B) trunk cable transmission equipment and equipment;
(C) the user distribution network equipment and equipment;
(D) radio and television center program production and broadcasting equipment and equipment;
(E) radio and television signal wireless transmitting and transmitting equipment and equipment;
(Vi) radio and television signals plus descrambling, encryption and decryption equipment and equipment;
(G) Satellite broadcasting equipment and equipment;
(H) radio and television system for power products;
(9) Radio and television monitoring and monitoring equipment and equipment;
(10) Equipment and equipment that other laws and administrative regulations stipulate shall be verified online.
Article IX apply for network identification, the SARFT should submit an application and submit the following materials:
(A) access to the Internet application;
(B) a copy of the valid quality system certification or the relevant documents of the enterprise quality assurance system conforming to the GB / T19000 (ISO9000) series of standards;
(3) The technical data of the product, including the instruction manual of the product, the function introduction, the performance index, the block diagram of the principle and the photo of the appearance of the equipment, the enterprise standard of the product as well as the difference between the enterprise standard and relevant national standard or industry standard;
(D) copy of business license. Entrusted agencies apply for, and should provide a copy of the power of attorney and agency valid certificate;
(5) Products and production enterprises that implement the management of production licenses shall produce photocopies of production licenses;
(F) a copy of the certificate of registration of the trademark.
Application has not yet announced the national standard, industry standard radio and television equipment, new products, the applicant units in addition to submit the above application materials, should also provide the appropriate technical solutions.
The submitted application documents and information require that the writing should be neat and tidy. The A4 paper should be used uniformly. The pictures should also be pasted on A4 paper.
Admission application form should be filled in Chinese. Foreign documents, should have a Chinese text.
Article 10 If the application materials are incomplete or do not conform to the statutory form, the SARFT shall, within five working days from the date of receiving the application materials, notify the applicant of all the materials that need to be corrected.
Article 11 SARFT or commissioned by the (city) level above the radio and television administrative departments of the admissibility of the application unit for quality assurance system audit, examination and approval of its access to the network to identify the product sampling, sealing sample. Sample-like products sent to the SARFT designated testing agencies for testing.
For the applicant who has obtained the quality system certification, the SARFT will confirm that it will be exempted from the quality assurance system audit when applying for network approval.
    To obtain the quality system certification and product quality supervision and spot checks of qualified applicants, apply for network approval, confirmed by the SARFT, the unit can be sent for testing.
Article 12 After receiving the seal-like product, the inspection agency shall verify against the sampling voucher and conduct inspection according to the relevant standards. The inspection report shall be issued within one month (except for the test period exceeding one month according to the test standards).
Where the application for new products of radio and television equipment has not been published yet, the application unit shall conduct network test or test in the test system specified by SARFT, and the test and inspection time shall not be less than three Months. After the test is completed, an effective test report shall be submitted to the SARFT.
Article 13 The SARFT conducts a comprehensive examination of sampling vouchers, inspection and inspection reports, etc., and makes decisions according to the provisions of the Administrative Licensing Law.
Qualified, the issuance of network access certificate; to meet the conditions but the application has not yet published national standards, industry standards, issued by the radio and television network certification trial certificate. For those who do not meet the requirements, make a decision not to make a decision and notify the applicant in writing.
Not meet the requirements of the application unit after three months before re-submitting to identify the application network.
Article 14 The validity period of the certificate of network access shall be three years, and the trial certificate shall be valid for one year when entering the network.
    If the application for renewal of certificates after the expiration of the network accreditation certificate expires, the application shall be filed three months before the expiration of the validity period and be resubmitted according to the provisions of the present Measures. SARFT issued a new network access certificate, it should be recovered and canceled the original network access certificate.
Enterprise, legal representative and other entities that have obtained the certificate of network access have changed, but the product itself, product name, product model and enterprise quality assurance system have not changed, should be based on the original network access certificate and hold the relevant documents to the SARFT Apply for change procedures; product itself, product name, product model and enterprise quality assurance system changes, should re-apply for network access applications.
Article 15 The certificate of network access shall not be forged, altered, leased, lent, resell or transferred.
The production unit may mark the quality certification of the Chinese mark of the network identification certificate number and expiration date, product name, model number and place of origin on the radio and television equipment outsourcing packaging materials that have acquired the network access certificate.

Chapter III Supervision and Management

Article 16 The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television shall regularly publish to the public the list of radio and television equipment and equipment that have obtained the network access certificate.
SARFT access to the network certification of radio and television equipment to track the quality of equipment, testing and testing, and announced to the community sampling results.
Article 17 The testing business shall bear the qualification of testing, the testing ability and the scope of testing that it has obtained for the network access testing business undertaken by the testing organization.
Designated testing agencies qualified for testing, detection capacity is no longer suitable for network identification test, SARFT canceled according to the situation, change the test specified.
The testing organization is responsible for the testing result, the testing sample will be returned to the applying unit. The testing institution shall keep its secrets according to law.
Article 18 The provincial-level radio and television administrative departments shall annually conduct annual inspections on radio and television equipment manufacturers and products that have obtained network access certificates in their respective administrative regions before the end of each year and report the annual inspections to the SARFT .
Article 19 The manufacturing enterprise that has obtained the certificate of network access shall ensure that the product quality is not lower than that at the time of passing the network identification.

Chapter IV Penalties

Article 20 Radio and television stations, radio and television transmission overlay networks, and monitoring and monitoring network operating units that violate these measures by unauthorized use of equipment and equipment that have not obtained network access certificates shall be investigated and dealt with by radio and television administrative departments at or above the county level according to law; This caused the broadcast of security incidents or economic losses, should be held accountable to the responsible person, which led to a major broadcast security incidents, seriously affecting the rights and interests of radio and television users, and held accountable unit responsible persons; constitute a crime, according to law Be held criminally responsible.
Article 21 Units that have obtained the certificate of network access shall, under any of the following circumstances, be given a warning by the radio and television administrative department at or above the county level and make a public announcement to the public by the SARFT:
(A) product quality decreased significantly, can not maintain the quality level of that;
(B) the quality assurance system and management level can not reach the level of the recognized;
(C) the occurrence of product design, process has changed a lot, etc., without prior declaration, is still in the sale of products using the original certification;
(D) do not implement after-sales service.
Article 22 Units that have acquired network access certification certificates under one of the following circumstances shall be given a warning by the radio and television administrative department at or above the county level and may be fined not less than 10,000 yuan and not more than 30,000 yuan and announced to the public by the SARFT. If economic loss is caused, the party shall be ordered to pay compensation. If a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.
(A) a serious decline in product quality, users reflect larger, serious quality accidents or serious consequences;
(B) alteration, leasing, lending, reselling and transfer of network access certificate.
Article 23 Anyone who, in violation of the present Measures, forges or misappropriates certificates of network access shall be given a warning by the radio and television administrative department at or above the county level and shall be ordered to stop the illegal activities and be imposed a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan and not more than 30,000 yuan, Social announcement. From the date of announcement, they shall not be accepted within three years of their network application for identification; constitute a crime, shall be held criminally responsible.
Article 24 If any management department, quality system auditor or testing institution that accesses the network does not conscientiously perform its duties, finds malpractices for personal gains, neglect their duties, resort to fraud or uses his position to disclose the secrets of the application unit, he or she shall be investigated for the responsible person according to law Of the administrative and legal responsibilities, SARFT as appropriate, cancel the assignment of the agency business; constitute a crime, shall be held criminally responsible.
Article 25 SARFT will cancel the designation of its testing task if the testing agency issues a false inspection report, proving materials, wrong data or failing to test it according to the standards, and criminal investigation shall be held for criminal responsibility.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 26 These Procedures shall come into force on August 1, 2004. The Administration of Radio, Film and Television Equipment for Access to Radio and Television Equipment (No. 16 of SARFT Order) shall be repealed at the same time.