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Radio and television equipment network access services certification guidelines

2017-04-10 Source: [Big Middle Small]

Service Guide Number: 27037

Posted: July 28, 2017

Implementation Date: August 1, 2017

Issuing agency: State Press and Publication Administration

First, the scope of application

Those who abide by the relevant state and regulatory requirements of the radio and television industry, domestic and foreign enterprises producing radio and television equipment may voluntarily apply for the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, radio and television equipment, equipment, network identification.

Second, the matter review type

State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, radio and television equipment access network identified as pre-approval type.

Third, the basis for approval

"State Council on the need to retain the administrative examination and approval of the project to establish administrative licensing decisions" (State Council Decree No. 412) Annex No. 312, "radio and television equipment, equipment, access control that" (State Administration of Radio Film and Television Decree No. 25) General Administration of Radio, Film and Television equipment and equipment related to the network management requirements, related products, technical standards and norms.

Fourth, the admissibility of institutions

China Radio, Film and Television Social Organization Federation Technical Working Committee, commissioned by the General Administration of Radio and Television Equipment Acceptance Network Accreditation Center (hereinafter referred to as the reception center) duties.

Fifth, determine the agency

Radio and television equipment access equipment determined that the agency is the State Administration of Press, Publication, Science and Technology Secretary.

Six, the application conditions

To apply for network identification, it shall submit an application to the radio and television administrative department under the State Council and submit the following materials:

1. Radio and television equipment access network identification application

Admission application form should be used to fill in Chinese, corporate legal person signature should be personally signed by corporate entities.

2 quality management system materials

The applicant enterprise shall provide the current and valid quality management system materials corresponding to the applied product, including the quality management system manuals, technical documents, technical documents, production site layout drawings and live pictures or other documents of the quality management system.

Foreign enterprises commissioned by the agency to apply, should provide the power of attorney and the agency's quality management system copy of the relevant materials;

The products that the application enterprise applies for accreditation to belong to the network belong to the enterprises commissioned by other enterprises. In addition to the supporting materials that should provide relevant research and development capabilities, the applicant enterprises shall also provide the entrusted production agreement, the articles of service of the after-sales service and the current and valid documents of the entrusted manufacturing enterprise The corresponding product quality management system materials, including quality management system manuals, technical documents, technical documents, production sites layout and photos or other quality management system certification documents.

3. Product technical information

The technical data of the product includes the technical specification of the product, the function introduction, the performance index, the block diagram of the principle and the photo of the appearance of the equipment. In addition to the above contents, the technical data of CAS / SMS products shall also have the system architecture diagram, design principle, main interface and regulatory platform Interface functions and so on. In addition, CAS product technical information must also be structural diagram, indicating the framework of the entire smart card COS products, including the composition of the subsystems of the smart card COS products, functions and implementation principles, accompanied by detailed text description; for software products, You should also submit an intellectual property claim for the appropriate product.

4. Enterprise legal person business license and organization code certificate copy

Applicants should provide the current valid corporate business license and copy of the organization code certificate;

When a foreign enterprise entrusts an agency to apply, it shall provide a photocopy of the business license of the enterprise legal person of the agency.

If the products that the application enterprise applies to enter the network are those that are commissioned by other enterprises, a photocopy of the business license and organization code certificate of the enterprise legal person entrusted with the manufacturing enterprise shall be provided.

5 copies of industrial production permit

The implementation of industrial products manufacturing license management of products, should provide a copy of the production license, production license product details should cover the product.

At present, the products that implement the production license management include radio and television transmitting equipment (including terrestrial digital television transmitting equipment, mobile multimedia broadcasting transmitting equipment, etc.), terrestrial receiving equipment for satellite television broadcasting, wire and cable, and the like.

The catalog of products for the administration of industrial products production licenses shall be prescribed by the State Council.

6 trademark registration certificate or a copy of registration certificate

Applicants should provide the relevant product trademark registration certificate or a copy of registration certificate. Where the trademark registrant is inconsistent with the applicant enterprise, a trademark authorization agreement issued by the trademark registrant or a notice of filing for trademark authorization issued by the State Trademark Bureau shall be provided. If no official trademark registration certificate has been obtained, the trademark shall not be authorized to be used by others.

The registered trademark of the approved use should include the application network products.

7.Applicants that apply for accreditation of radio and television equipment and equipment for SMS / CAS products must provide the following application materials in addition to the above application materials:

(1) copy of the software copyright registration certificate (product name must be consistent with the application for network identification product name)

(2) Supporting documents authorized by overseas SMS / CAS applicant for operation in China (provided by overseas SMS / CAS applicant companies)

(3) The overseas SMS / CAS shall comply with the relevant import policies and regulations of the State and shall provide supporting materials authorized by the copyright owner to operate in China (provided by an overseas SMS / CAS applicant company)

(4) CAS Safety Management Documents (for CAS products to be provided)

At a minimum, the security management documents include: Access Control Security, Key Management, and Device Security Management. Access security includes permissions and responsibilities, ID card management, system log, system backup, personnel access control. Key management includes personnel management, key reception, key storage, key use, and key destruction. Device security management includes security monitoring and password management.

(5) copy of the registered capital of the certificate (for CAS products, and business license does not show the registered capital provided)

8. The application materials provided by the enterprises are required to affix their official seal.

Seven, prohibit sexual requirements

If the unit that applies for network authentication has one of the following conditions, the examination and approval department shall make the decision of disapproval: If the product that is not qualified for sampling inspection and is under the control of the production license fails to obtain a production license, the product quality management system material Incomplete materials, other violations of the state and the radio and television industry management requirements.

Eight, application materials directory

1, a copy of the original application for radio and television equipment identification

2, a copy of the quality management system materials

3, 1 original product technical information

4, copy of business license and organization code certificate 1 copy

5, a copy of the production license

6, a copy of the trademark registration certificate or registration certificate

7, apply for SMS / CAS products, radio and television equipment access network identification of enterprises, in addition to providing the above application materials, the following application materials must also be provided:

(1) copy of software copyright registration certificate

(2) Documents that the overseas SMS / CAS applicant authorized to operate in China

(3) Proofs authorized by the copyright owner to operate in China

(4) CAS Safety Management Documents (for CAS products to be provided)

(5) copy of the registered capital certification (for CAS products, and business license does not show the registered capital must be provided)