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1. IEC 62560 at the 47th CTL meeting in 2010, through the resolution DSH0743, in view of the draft standard pre / IEC62560 (LED self-rectifier lamp safety standards) has not yet officially released, currently used in LED self-rectifier lamp safety standards:
        A) IEC / EN 60968 (Safety section)
        B) IEC / EN 60061 (lamp section)
        C) IEC / EN 62031 (LED module safety section)
        D) IEC / EN 62471 (Photobiological Safety Section)
At present, IEC 62560 (1st, 2011) standard has been released, but the corresponding EN 62560 has not yet officially released, but now TUV Rheinland has begun to use the IEC standard CB, TUV-Mark and other related reports, it is recommended that I Marketing Department staff to communicate with customers , IEC / EN 60968 can also be used for IEC / EN 62560, since the final IEC / EN 62560 will replace IEC / EN 60968.

       2. At present, the EU for the lighting products also made EMF requirements, CEN has released EN 62493: 2010-Assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagneticfields. Therefore, the lamp product must be evaluated for EN 62493 when applying for CE / GS / Bauart Geprüft certification.
Data of Publication (DOP): 2010-11-01
Data of Withdrawal (DOW): 2013-02-01

1) EN62493 related products related to the standard
For the purpose of lighting, with the basic function of generating and distributing light and intended to be connected to a low-voltage power supply network or to operate all indoor and outdoor lighting equipment with batteries; general lighting equipment refers to all industrial, residential, public places and street lighting equipment One of the main features is the lighting part of the multifunctional device lighting.

2) EN62493 standard does not involve related products
 Aircraft and airport use of lighting equipment;
        Lighting equipment for road motor vehicles (except for lighting equipment in public transport passenger compartment);
        Agricultural lighting equipment;
       Projector lighting equipment;
       In other IEC standards have a clear EMF requirements of various types of equipment;
       All built-in parts of the lighting fixture are not included in this standard. For example: built-in electronic transformer, built-in electronic ballast.