Contact phone number:0755-23202750

R & TTE application process is based on the product frequency band has a certain difference, for low-frequency wireless products, we usually refer to the 27MHZ, 49MHZ, 40MHZ, 433MHZ, 315MHZ, 88-108MHZ, 35MHZ, 72MHZ and these frequencies in the The use of different regions and countries is different.

The United States can use bands

27MHZ, 49MHZ, 40MHZ, 433MHZ, 315MHZ, 88-108MHZ, 72MHZ

Europe can use the band: 27MHZ, 40MHZ ,, 35MHZ, 433MHZ

For such a simple wireless products, we usually encounter the need to apply for FCC, R & TTE, etc., the following is the FCC

A brief description of the R & TTE application process:

1) by the customer to provide a complete test sample and with accessories, submitted to the laboratory;

2) The customer must provide complete technical information (circuit diagram, PCB board, BOM, product description, line description, technical performance description), and the information must be English electronic file;

3) by the laboratory test, and test report;

4) laboratory audit data and reports;

5) The laboratory submits the test report and technical information to the TCB, FCC or NotifyBody audit;

6) TCB, FCC or NotifyBody certificate;

7) Successful application.

In the FCC application process, there is a special note that is provided by FCCID. Usually FCCID is composed of company code + product code:

Where: the company code: for the three digits or uppercase letters issued by the FCC directly; product code: for the numbers, letters, "-", but which can not have two or more consecutive "-" use, the first And the last bit can not use "-", the code number of bits up to no more than 14 bits.