Contact phone number:0755-23202750

Introduction: The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), the Forest Stewardship Council, is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting global social responsibility for forest management. It was founded in 1993 and its sponsors are international people who want to stop the forest from being damaged.
Importance: The size and intensity of forest operations, the uniqueness of the affected resources, and the ecological vulnerability of the associated forest should be taken into account in all certification audits. The forest management standards of countries and regions indicate the differences and difficulties of FSC principles and standard interpretations, which will be developed with the participation of national and regional authorities and will be audited by certification bodies and other participants and affected parties. If necessary, the FSC dispute settlement mechanism also advocates the adoption of this approach in the audit process. The use of FSC principles and standards must be consistent with national and international legal systems. FSC is intended to complement, rather than replace, other initiatives to support globally responsible forest management.
FSC will carry out educational activities to raise public awareness of the importance of the following issues:
· Improve the level of forest management;
· Account management and production costs included in forest product prices;
· Promote the optimal use of forest resources;
Reduce damage and waste;
· Avoid excessive consumption and over-harvesting.
FSC will also provide guidance to policymakers on these issues, including improving forest management regulations and policies.
Principle 1: Principles of FSC
Principle 2: Ownership, use rights and liability
Principle 3: Residents' Rights
Principle 4: Community relations and the rights of workers
Principle 5: the benefits of the forest
Principle 6: Environmental Impact
Principle 7: Business Plan
Principle 8: Monitoring and Evaluation
Principle 9: Maintain high conservation value forests
Principle 10: Plantation
Certification preparation
FSC / COC is also known as the chain of custody certification, is part of the FSC certification
1, set the timetable for obtaining the CoC certificate
2, the establishment of the document of the CoC system
- Meet the requirements of the CoC standard
- Can be integrated with other existing systems such as ISO 9000
3, the purchase of FSC materials (according to the requirements of the organization, some certification bodies do not need to simulate production)
- Existing qualified suppliers
- Large traders who can supply FSC material
- Most have been imported
- Find new suppliers from the website
- purchased from the mainland through CoC certified manufacturers
- FSC raw materials are available before the audit team arrives at the audit site
4, according to the product to achieve the wood process test run
- Keep the records of each process
- If there is no CoC order, it can be simulated once
5, apply for certification
6, offer
7, signed a certification agreement
8, waiting for on-site review
9, get a certificate and register
10, according to the requirements of the file to run and keep the relevant records
11, use the FSC mark on the product or outside the product
12, ready to supervise the return visit
The CoC certification requires organizations to establish and maintain a documented system to ensure that products purchased, processed and transported are manufactured using certified raw materials.
Certification steps
1, contact one or several FSC accredited certification bodies. In order to give you the first estimate of the cost and time required, the certification body will need some basic information on your operation. The certification body will provide you with FSC certification requirements.
2, you decide that you want to work and sign an agreement with the certification body of the certification body.
3, certification audit to assess the company's qualification.
4, the data collected in the audit basis, on the basis of the audit report, the certification body of the certification decision.
5, if the certification decision is yes, you will receive FSC certificate. The audit found that if your operation is not yet fully compliant with the FSC requirements, then you can go for further review after you have implemented the proposed changes in the certification report.