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Acidified food FDA-FCE-SID registered
The following are the same as the "
The United States in the early 70s, due to commercial production and sealed containers with low-acid food heat treatment is not sufficient,
As well as inappropriate production of acidified foods for commercial production, triggering a life-threatening botulinum
poison. The FDA has issued the following regulations: 21 CFR 108 (Emergency Licensing), 21 CFR 113 (thermally processed low acid foods), 21 CFR 114 (acidified food) for those acidified foods and low acid tanks sold in the United States Food manufacturers, federal regulations require each enterprise to be registered with the FDA; and the company's each product, product type, container size and type, as well as processing methods, etc., in the FDA for processing the registration process ( Hot processing, sealed packaging of low-acid food registration requirements: 21 CFR 108.35;
Acidified food registration requirements: 21 CFR 108.25).
The following are the same as the "
Low acid food: refers to the pH above 4.6, water activity higher than 0.85, in advance sealed in any container and then by
Heat treatment sterilized food.
The low-acid canned foods that are not included in 21 CFR 108.35 and 113 are:
1) acidic food (natural or normal pH ≤ 4.6);
2) alcoholic beverages;
3) fermented food; (due to the role of acid bacteria, so that the food pH ≤ 4.6)
4) meat, poultry products under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Agriculture;
5) water activity aw ≤ 0.85 of food;
6) non-thermally processed food;
7) non-hermetic containers of food; (see 21 CFR 113.3 (j))
8) Storage, distribution and retail are carried out under frozen conditions; (products must be clearly marked, such as: easy to bad, keep frozen, etc.)
9) Final balance of pH <4.7 for tomatoes and their products.
The following are the same as the "
Acidified food: refers to the addition of acid or acidic foods in low acid foods to reduce the pH below 4.6, the water activity of 0.85
Above the food.
Do not belong to 21 CFR 108.25 AND 114 in the provisions of the acidified foods are:
1) acidic food (natural or normal pH ≤ 4.6);
2) contains a small amount of low-acid food (the small amount of low-acid foods have no significant effect on the final equilibrium pH of the acidic food)
Of the acidic food (including standardized or non-standardized food seasoning and seasoning sauce).
3) Alcoholic beverages;
4) fermented food;
5) water activity aw ≤ 0.85 of food;
6) storage, distribution, retail are carried out under the conditions of frozen food;
7) 21 CFR 150 covered with jam, jelly or candied fruit;
The following are the same as the "
Registration of low-acid canned food and acidified food companies: Business registration is done by completing the FDA 2541 form, FDA requires US domestic companies and foreign companies exporting low-acid canned food or acidified food in the United States to submit a complete registration form The If the food canning business is not registered, the processing registration form submitted will be returned. Enterprise registration and processing registration can be carried out at the same time.
Registration of processed foods for low-acid canned food and acidified foods: processing of process registration for all US processing companies and foreign processing enterprises producing and exporting acidified or low-acid canned food to the United States. The registration of the processing plan information is done through a separate form, FDA 2541a, or FDA 2541c, and complete the filling of each product. Among them, the FDA 2541a is a food for use in low-acid canned foods other than aseptic processing, and the FDA 2541c form is a low-acid canned food for sterile processing.
Food canned enterprise number (FCE number - usually consisting of 5 digits).
Processed Submission Identifier (SID): In order to distinguish between each processing registration form submitted by the enterprise, the FDA uses the "Process ID" (SID).
SID enables both enterprises and the FDA to quickly and accurately identify a particular registration form.
SID Fill in the "Food Canned Enterprise Number" (FCE No.) of the enterprise, consisting of "Year, Month and Day" and a set of unique serial numbers when submitted by a processing form.
The SID must be prepared by the enterprise in the following format when filling in the machining information sheet: YY-MM-DD / SSS
YY represents the last two digits of the year (for example, 98 stands for 1998)
MM represents the month (for example, 02 for February, 10 for October)
DD represents the day of the month (such as 02,19,30)
SSS represents a set of unique serial numbers that can be used to identify each of these tables if several processing tables are submitted at the same time. If you only submit a processing form a day, use 001 to represent SSS,
If more than one table is submitted at the same time, a separate set of numbers (for example, 002,003,004, etc.) is assigned to each individual table.
Important information on foreign processing companies in the United States: Products exported from foreign countries to the US market, including acidified and low-acid canned food, are required to be inspected when entering the US. Goods that do not comply with US laws and regulations will be detained at the port. These products must be in compliance with US legal and regulatory requirements, otherwise they will be destroyed or re-exported. Reasons to detain the product:
For a variety of reasons, low-acid canned food or acidified food may be detained at the port, these reasons include:
1. The business is not registered.
2. The company has registered, but has not registered the processing information of its products at the FDA.
3. The documents submitted at the time of the declaration do not provide sufficient information to identify the Food Canned Enterprise (FCE) or identify the product.
In addition to low acid and acidified food regulations (21 CFR 108.35,108.25,113,114), these products must comply with all other FDA laws and regulations before the product is allowed to enter the United States. Including hygiene requirements for processing and storage, product labeling, and so on.
How to avoid delay:
Manufacturers and importers of low-acid or acidified foods can make sure that invoices, bills of lading, and other shipping documents
Clear and complete to avoid delays. This includes the following information: the name and address of the processing company registered with the FDA.
Registered enterprise "Food Canned Enterprise Number (FCE)".
The product is registered in the FDA registration of the registration form (SID).
The name, form or style of the product or the packaging medium (printed on the container label and also listed in the registration form) of the product or product of the low acid canned food or acidified food.
For example: oil-immersed tuna (massive)
Salt water artichoke (quarter cut)
Butter mushroom
Should be the same as the name on the label, listed in English and non-English name. E.g:
Brine green green beans (flageolets)
Brine beans (papdi)
Container type
Each type of container size is indicated by feet and 1/16 inch.