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Cosmetics Voluntary Registration Program (VCRP)
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The FDA Cosmetics and Pigments Office has developed a cosmetic voluntary registration program at the request of the cosmetics industry. The plan consists of two parts: the cosmetics manufacturer's voluntary registration and cosmetic ingredient statement.
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Benefits of participating in VCRP
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The manufacturer's voluntary registration and registration number does not indicate FDA's approval of the manufacturer or its products. The FDA also does not allow the manufacturer to use the registration number or column name to participate in the VCRP or obtain the commercial name; but the manufacturer can directly obtain the following by participating in VCRP interest:
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Get important information on cosmetic ingredients. The FDA imports all information from the VCRP into the computer database. If a certain cosmetic ingredient currently in use is considered to be detrimental and should be disabled, the FDA will notify the manufacturer or distributor of the product through the address book in the VCRP database. If your product is not registered in the database, FDA will not be able to inform you.
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To avoid being detained when the product is recalled or imported due to ingredient problems. If the cosmetics manufacturers to product formulations in the VCRP filing, as long as the FDA found that manufacturers in the formula using the approved pigment additives or other prohibited ingredients, will remind manufacturers attention. In this way, the manufacturer can modify the product formulation before the product is imported or sold, thereby eliminating the risk of product being recalled or detained due to improper use. Help retailers identify manufacturers with safety awareness. Retailers (such as department stores) sometimes ask FDA if a cosmetic company is registered with the FDA. Although the registration does not indicate FDA approval, it indicates that your product has been reviewed by the FDA and entered the government's database. FDA will notify you if the product you submitted is incomplete, or contains a prohibited ingredient or an approved pigment additive.
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The decision to collect samples is based on the nature of the product; the FDA's focus is on the history of the product. The FDA obtained a physical sample and sent it to the FDA Regional Laboratory for analysis
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If the FDA finds that the sample meets the requirements, send a "Notice of Release" to US Customs and Importer, respectively.
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If the FDA determines that the sample "has violated the performance of the FDCA and other relevant laws", the "Notice of Seizure and Hearing" is sent to the US Customs and the case and the importer, respectively. The notice specifies the offense and the nature and gives the case and the importer 10 working days to provide evidence of the permit.
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Detained imports must be trimmed, returned or destroyed under the supervision of the FDA or the US Customs
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The hearing is the only opportunity for the importer to defend the goods or provide evidence to enable the goods to be trimmed and suitable for entry.
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If the case and the underwriter, shipper, importer or a designated representative does not reply to the notice, the FDA sends a "refusal notice" to the US Customs and the case and the importer. And then the product of the product returned or destroyed.
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If the case and the underwriter, shipper, importer or a designated representative have responded to the "Notice of Seizure and Hearing", the FDA has seized the product when the importer has provided evidence that the product "meets the requirements" or submits the application for the trimmed product Hold a hearing.
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If the firm provides evidence that the product meets the requirements, the FDA will collect subsequent samples. After analysis, the product is either released or refused entry.
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The FDA reviews the proposed dressing procedure for the importer, subject to approval or disapproval. Once approved, the FDA will conduct subsequent inspection / sample collection to determine its eligibility. If the sample is qualified, send a "Notice of Release" to US Customs and Importer. Fruit samples failed, a "refusal notice".
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Section 8 (C) of the FDCA requires the applicant to pay the full cost, in addition to updating the label or other charges for the seizure of goods in compliance with the relevant measures in the application (FDA-766 form), including the travel of the FDA officer or employee, Daily and wages. By submitting the FDA-766 form, the applicant agrees to pay the full regulatory fee in accordance with the current regulations.
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More questions are welcome to contact
US FDA Registration Advisory Line: 15602970173 QQ: 2695669655