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Animal Feed FDA Registration
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According to the US FDA regulations, for the US market to enter the feed products must be its production enterprises or company information in the US FDA official FDA registration, access to the relevant FDA registration number before customs clearance.
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ZCQC Shenzhen Zhongcheng Quality Inspection Co., Ltd. as the US FDA China authority for the service center, for many years for the domestic feed production enterprises, feed trading companies, feed storage companies, feed processing companies, feed OEM packaging companies and other types of feed Business units to provide the authority of the US FDA registration services, we will apply for the FDA to apply for rapid response, usually 1-2 working days to complete the registration, and to provide the applicant with the FDA registration number and the official query process and instructions.
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US FDA Animal Feed Registration Category:
1. Grain or cereal products (IE, barley, cereal sorghum, corn, oats, rice, rye, wheat, other cereals or cereal products)
2. Oilseed or oilseed products (cottonseed, soybean, other oilseed or oilseed products) FDA registered.
3. alfalfa products or grass branches FDA registration.
4. Amino acid or related products FDA registration.
5. Animal source feed products FDA registration.
6. Beer brewing products FDA registration.
7. Chemical preservatives FDA registration.
8. Citrus products FDA registration.
9. Franchise products FDA registration.
10. Enzyme FDA registration.
11. Fat or grease FDA registration.
12. Fermentation products FDA registration.
13. seafood FDA registration.
14. FDA registration of dairy products.
15. Mineral or mineral products FDA registration.
16. Miscellaneous or special purpose products FDA registration.
17. molasses or syrup products FDA registration.
18. Non-protein nitrogen products FDA registration.
19. Peanut products FDA registration.
20. Regenerated animal waste products FDA registration.
21. Performance Food FDA Registration.
22. Vitamin or Vitamin Products FDA Registration.
23. Yeast product FDA registration.
24. Mixed feed (eg poultry, livestock, horse) FDA registration.
25. Pet food FDA registration.
26. Pet snack or pet bite FDA registration.
27. Pets (energy, vitamins, minerals nutritional supplements) FDA registration.
28. If there is no such food category, specify the product name.
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More questions are welcome to contact
US FDA food and animal feed registration hotline: 15602970173 QQ: 2695669655