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TLC Factory Audit Requirements
1 Detection of resources
The organization's infrastructure shall include, at a minimum, the testing resources required to complete the routine factory inspection items specified in the relevant industry product standards.
2 customer feedback problem handling and notification
The organization should promptly process customer feedback issues and notify other customers who may be affected by feedback issues.
3 key components and material changes
The organization shall make clear the necessary testing of the key components and material changes to the control methods, critical components and materials to ensure that changes in critical components or materials do not adversely affect the performance or quality of the final product.
4 production process control
The organization should identify the critical processes of the organization and define the way in which the operators of the critical processes should have the appropriate capabilities.
When feasible, the organization should monitor the appropriate process parameters and product characteristics to ensure that the process is under controlled conditions.
5 process change
When a significant change in the special / critical process has been identified (eg new or new), the first product should be tested to ensure that the changed process capability meets the expected requirements.
6 electrostatic protection
The organization should provide appropriate electrostatic protection for static-sensitive products such as large scale integrated circuits, circuit boards, magnetic tape and / or magnetic disks.
7 Inspection and verification of key components and materials
The organization shall identify the key components and materials for inspection / verification methods to ensure that the critical components and materials purchased meet the specified requirements. Inspection of key components and materials may be carried out by the organization or by the supplier or by a third party.
When the inspection is carried out by the supplier, the organization shall provide a clear inspection request to the supplier in the procurement information and request the supplier to provide the relevant inspection data.
8 process inspection
The organization shall test the conformity of the product at the appropriate stage of the production process to ensure that the product and parts are consistent with the certified sample.
9 Final inspection
The final inspection of the organization shall meet at least the requirements of the factory inspection of the products specified in the relevant industry product standards.
10 type test
The organization shall conduct periodic type tests on the product to evaluate the ability of the product to continuously meet the design requirements. The period and test method of the type test shall meet the requirements of the relevant industry product standards.
11 Unqualified product analysis
The organization shall conduct periodic statistics on nonconforming products and, if necessary, use appropriate methods for analysis to seek opportunities for corrective or preventive action.
12 run check
In addition to the pre-use or periodic calibration of the measuring equipment used for the factory inspection, the operation check should be carried out periodically to determine whether the measuring equipment can be used for the specified measurement activities. When it is found that the results of the operation check can not meet the requirements, it should be traceable to the seized product and take the necessary measures. Records of the results of the operation and the measures taken shall be kept.
13 Internal Quality Audit
The internal quality audit of the organization shall determine the quality management system of the organization to meet the requirements of the product certification of the Teller Certification Center and include the consistency audit of the certified products. The customer's complaint about the product quality should be input as the internal quality audit.
14 Management Review Content
In the conduct of management review, the organization shall include the consistency of the organization's certified products.
15 Consistency of certified products
The organization should control the consistency of the mass production products with the qualified products of the type test. Changes to certified products (which may affect compliance with the relevant standards or conformance of the type test samples) shall be reported to the certification body before being implemented and confirmed before proceeding. The unapproved changes shall not use the Certificates of the Tyler Certification Center And signs.