Contact phone number:0755-23202750

CQC is a national certification body (NCB) on behalf of China's accession to the International Electrotechnical Commission's Electrotechnical Qualification Testing and Certification Organization (IECEE) Multilateral Recognition (CB) system. It is a member of the International Certification Consortium (IQNet) and the International Organic Agriculture Campaign (IFOAM) Of the national certification body.

Institutional certification

Certification mark
Certification mark
CQC and its branches at home and abroad is China's certification authority to carry out earlier certification authority, for decades accumulated a wealth of experience in certification, the business results are outstanding. Today, CQC has a total of 45 branches and more than 200 contract testing laboratories at home and abroad, and with 22 foreign certification bodies signed a certification cooperation agreement, with more than 7300 professional full-time, part-time auditors, inspectors And technical experts, at the same time have a strong faculty. Improve the service network, to provide customers with timely, thoughtful, high-quality services.