Contact phone number:0755-23202750


Introduction to the logo

UL is principally engaged in product safety certification and business safety certification business, the ultimate goal is to get the market with a very safe level of goods for personal health and property security to ensure that to contribute. In terms of product safety certification as an effective means of eliminating technical barriers to international trade, UL also plays an active role in promoting the development of international trade.

UL was founded in 1894, the initial stage of the UL mainly by the fire insurance sector to provide funds to maintain the action, until 1916, UL was completely independent. After nearly a hundred years of development, UL has become a world-renowned certification body, its own with a set of strict organizational management system, the standard development and product certification procedures. UL is governed by a board of directors of security experts, government officials, consumers, education, public utilities, insurance and standards departments. The day-to-day work is handled by the president and vice president. At present, UL in the United States has five laboratories, headquartered in North Chicago, Northbrook town, while in Taiwan and Hong Kong, respectively, set up a corresponding laboratory. In the United States, for consumers, UL is a symbol of security signs, the world, UL is the manufacturer's most trusted one of the qualified assessment provider.

Logo style

The UL mark is usually identified on the product and / or product package to indicate that the product has been UL approved and meets the safety requirements.


The most important part of these marks is the UL symbol, which is a registered trademark of UL, as shown in Figure 2.

UL product certification, the types of test services can be divided into column name, recognition and classification.

1. column name (LISTED):

In general, the column name is only applicable to the complete product and qualified personnel in the field to replace or install a variety of devices and devices, UL listed services include a variety of products include: household appliances, medical equipment, computers, commercial equipment As well as the role of various types of electrical products in buildings, such as power distribution systems, fuses, wires, switches and other electrical components. UL listed products, usually in each product marked on the UL listed mark. The use of the column name.

2. Recognized:

Recognized service is a UL service in a project, its identification of products only in the UL listed, grading or other recognized products as components, raw materials used. The approved product is not structurally complete, or has a certain limit in its use to ensure that the intended safety performance is achieved. In most cases, the tracking service of the approved product belongs to the category R. Class A approved products are electronic wire (AVLV2), processing wire (ZKLU2), wiring harness (ZPFW2), aluminum (DVVR2), and metal flexible tube (DXUZ2). Approved product requirements with a recognized mark.

3. Classification:

The grading service evaluates only the specific hazards of the product or evaluates the products other than the implementation of the UL standard (including internationally recognized standards such as IEC and ISO standards). In general, most graded products are not products that consumers use, but products that are used industrially or commercially. The classification mark in the UL mark indicates that the product has a certain limit and a specified range when UL is identified. For example, a chemical such as a solvent for industrial use is evaluated only for the range of fire that may occur when it reaches the ignition temperature. Some products are graded in the same service as a listed name, but generally only one or several aspects of the product are evaluated. As in the United States, medical devices such as the United States, medical X-ray diagnostic apparatus to comply with US law and the relevant radiation and beam Flow accuracy, but because UL only X-ray as a grading product, so only to evaluate its mechanical properties, electrical performance and other non-radiative performance of these aspects.

4. Multiple column name, multiple recognition or multiple grading services:

When a UL applicant obtains the above listed, recognized or graded service, its product is to be produced in the name of another company to meet the sales needs, you can apply for multiple column name, multiple recognition or multiple grading services, in this In the case of a manufacturer whose name, approval or classification is permitted, it is permitted to use the name of another company in the product list, but the product must, in addition to the company's code, product code or other features that UL considers acceptable, Listed, approved or graded products.

5. "AL" column name, recognition or classification services:

If the UL applicant does not wish to use the name of the company to obtain the name, recognition or classification service, he may apply for another firm (usually a retailer or wholesaler) in the name of the application name, recognition or classification, that is, "AL" Name, approval or classification service. The difference between multiple quotations, multiple recognition or multiple grading services is that the applicant is not a celebrity.

6. System certification services:

As one of the members of the International Accreditation Board, UL is widely involved in ISO9000 quality system certification, ISO14000 environmental protection certification, QS9000 automotive industry quality system certification and AS9000 aircraft industry quality system certification services. In the domestic a total of 116 factories to obtain UL system certification; of which 21 for the ISO9001 certification, 85 for the ISO9002 certification, one for the ISO14001 certification, 9 for the QS9000 certification.

7. Other UL services:

Such as proof of service, inspection services, judgments of the service, research services.


The product application UL mark includes the following steps:

1. The applicant submits the relevant company and product information

Written application: You should require UL to test your company's products in writing.

Company information: in English and Chinese to provide the following units detailed and accurate name, address, contact person, postal code, telephone and fax.

(A). Applicant Company: Company which applies for product testing and is responsible for all engineering services

(B). Listed companies: Companies listed in UL's various product catalogs

(C) Production plant: the manufacturer and producer of the product.

Product information: product information should be provided in English.

(A). Product name: Provide the full name of the product.

(B) Product Model: All product models, varieties or classification numbers that need to be tested.

(C) the intended use of the product: for example: home, office, factory, coal mine, ship and so on.

(D). Parts table: Details of the composition of the product parts and models (classification number), rating, the name of the manufacturer. For insulating materials, please provide the name of the raw material, for example: GE Polycarbonate, Lexan Type 104. When the parts have been UL certified or approved, please prove the specific parts of the parts, and indicate the UL file number (e). Electrical performance: for electrical and electronic products. Provide power schematic diagram (circuit diagram), electrical performance table.

(F). Structure: For most products, the need to provide product structure or explosion map, ingredients table.

(G). Product photo, instructions, safety, etc. or installation instructions.

2. Make a decision based on the product information provided

When the product information is complete, UL engineers make the following decisions based on the information: the UL standards for the tests, the engineering costs of the tests, the time of the test, the number of samples, etc., in writing, and the formal application form and tracking service Please send your agreement to your company. The application form indicates the cost limit, which is the maximum project cost that UL estimates based on the test item. Without the written authorization of your company, the cost limit can not be exceeded.

3. Apply for company remittance, return application form and sample

UL certification

The applicant signs the application form and the tracking service agreement and sends the form to UL Company. At the same time, send the sample at the post office or by express mail via bank remittance. Please specify the sample Name, model). Please send the application form and sample separately. For each application, UL will designate a unique project number to indicate the item number in the form of remittance, send the sample and application form, and apply for the name of the company for UL inspection.

4. Product testing

Upon receipt of your application form, remittance, and test sample signed by your company, UL will inform you of the time at which the experiment plan is completed. Product testing is generally carried out in the United States UL laboratory, UL can also accept the audit of third-party test data. The experimental samples will be returned or destroyed according to your request.

If the product test results meet the UL standard requirements, UL will issue a test report and tracking service rules (FollowUp Service Procedure) test report will detail the test situation, the sample to achieve the indicators, product structure and suitable for the use of the product safety signs. The description of the product and the guidance to the UL Regional Inspector are included in the tracking service details. A copy of the test report is sent to the applicant company and a copy of the tracking service details is sent to each production facility.

5. The applicant is authorized to use the UL mark

UL factory inspectors in China contact the production plant for initial production inspection (Initial Production Inspection. IPI), inspectors check your products and their parts in the production line and warehouse warehouse situation to confirm whether the product structure and parts Tracking service rules consistent, if the requirements of the rules, the regional inspectors will also witness the experiment, when the inspection results meet the requirements, the applicant was authorized to use the UL mark.

Following IPI, the inspector will inspect the product structure and inspect the product structure from time to time. The frequency of the inspection is determined by the type of product and the quantity of production. Most types of products are inspected at least four times a year. Ensure that the product continues to be consistent with the UL requirements. Before you plan to change the product structure or parts, please inform UL. For minor changes, you do not need to repeat any experiments. UL can quickly modify the tracking service rules so that the inspector can accept This change. When UL believes that the product changes affect its safety performance, the need to apply for the company to re-submit the sample for the necessary testing.

The cost of tracking services is not included in the cost of the test.

If the product test results can not meet the UL standard requirements, UL will notify the applicant, explain the existence of the problem, the applicant to improve the product design, you can re-submit the product, you should tell UL engineers, products made improvements, so that its decision above Is the procedure for applying for UL certification.

Certification review

UL certified products in the first shipment before, have to UL authorized local provincial provincial import and export commodity inspection bureau (CCIC) sent to the factory review. Follow the check every year.


1. The minimum height of the registered trade mark shall be 3/64 inch. The following are the same as the "

2. When the outer diameter of the UL mark is less than 3/8 inch, the registered trademark symbol can be ignored if it is not clearly visible under bare eyes. The following are the same as the "

3. Marking can be stamping, tooling, ink printing, screen printing or similar methods directly and fixed on the same product. The following are the same as the "

4. Marking of the acquisition: the manufacturer can be reproduced or obtained from the UL authorized dealer. The following are the same as the "

CUL (only c, no us): the product into the Canadian market security signs; cULus logo: products into the US market and the Canadian market safety signs; cUL (only usb, no c): products into the US market security signs;

Tracking test


As an integral part of UL certification, UL has developed a "tracking test" system in order to ensure that the UL listed, approved products continue to meet UL standards and requirements. "Tracking test" is sent by the UL distributed throughout the world on behalf of the scene to the local factory production site on the UL product tracking test. The purpose is to ensure that the manufacturer's production process, inspection process and product are always in accordance with UL's requirements by verifying the production process, inspection process and product of the plant, the UL standard and the tracking inspection rules.

Follow the test

On-site representatives to the factory after the main "follow-up inspection rules" for testing. The "Follow-up Inspection Rules" was prepared by UL Engineering, after testing the samples submitted, including a comprehensive description of the product, including photographs, brochures and so on. It also specifies the various tests that are frequently done during the production of the plant, some of which require 100% of the product, such as a withstand voltage test. Some tests can be carried out at the same time, but also provides on-site representatives in the factory site inspection must be checked when the pilot project. The on-site representative is judged on the basis of the detailed information and regulations of such tests.

Tracking the classification of inspection products

Review is divided into the first review and quarterly review, the cost of the first review is relatively high, UL tracking test is divided into R class and L class. L class services are mainly used for life safety related products, such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire doors and some considerable production of products, such as electrical equipment, wires and circuit breakers. For products belonging to category L, the manufacturer must be affixed directly to the product on the UL order label. Class R services are mainly used for electrical equipment, such as fans, televisions, hair dryers, ovens and other commonly used products to produce the corresponding line.


UL tracking test costs by the two major components, one is the annual service fee, the second is tracking the cost of inspection. The annual service fee of $ 580, in January each year, UL will send the bill to the factory, which for the R class and L products are the same; if the tracking test requirements to send samples to the United States for testing, the UL But also to the factory charge test fees.

For tracking and testing costs, R and L products are very different:

Class R services

R class service, the tracking test fee and the number of tests have a direct relationship. If the inspector is in the factory, the factory is producing or stocking UL products, the cost of each inspection is $ 280; otherwise, it is $ 93.5; if the number of inspections is increased due to product rework, Dollar calculation. The cost of inspection and the complexity of the product is not directly related to the time required by the inspector at the factory. If it is a special inspection, it is generally determined by the time spent at the factory and the rate at which it was tested, which is notified to the factory when the UL decides to carry out the special inspection. Billing is usually sent within one month of inspection.

L class service

For Class L services, UL is charged through the label to track the cost of inspection. When the factory applies for a label to the UL application, the price of the label includes two costs: the cost of the label and the service charge (ie, UL's tracking test fee). Therefore, UL on-site representatives in the inspection factory, UL no longer charge to the factory, unless a large number of product re-inspection or UL on the implementation of a special inspection plant.

Regardless of Class R or Class L services, UL requires the factory to send the bill as soon as possible after the receipt, otherwise, when the time limit of more than 3 months, UL will clear your file. If you do not understand the cost of the place, you can contact the local test center or contact with the UL accounting department.