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Mark the meaning of CE mark

The meaning of the CE mark is that the product indicating that the CE mark has been affixed has passed the corresponding conformity assessment procedure and / or the manufacturer's declaration of conformity, complying with the relevant EU directive and as a permit for the product to be allowed to enter the EC market The The relevant requirements of the CE mark marked with industrial products, no CE mark, not listed on the sale, has been affixed to the CE mark into the market products, found that does not meet the safety requirements, to be ordered to recover from the market, continuing to violate the instructions on the CE mark Will be restricted or prohibited from entering the EU market or forced to withdraw from the market. The CE mark is not a quality mark and it is a mark that represents the standards and directives of the product that conform to the safety / health / environmental / hygiene standards of Europe. All products sold in the EU must be marked with the CE mark.



CE certification, for the national products in the European market trade provides a unified technical specifications, simplifying the trade process. Any country's products to enter the EU, the European Free Trade Area must be CE certification, CE mark on the product affixed. Therefore, CE certification is the product into the EU and the European trade free zone national market pass. CE certification means that the product has reached the EU directive requirements of the security requirements; is a commitment to consumers, an increase of consumer confidence in the product; with CE mark products will reduce the risk of sales in the European market. These risks include:

● the risk of being detained and investigated by the Customs; ● the risk of being investigated and dealt with by the market supervisory authority;

● The risk of allegations of competition for the purpose of competition.


● EU legal, regulatory and coordination standards are not only a large number, but also very complex content, so the EU designated agencies to help is a time-saving, effort, but also reduce the risk of the wise move;

● Obtain the CE certification by the designated authority of the European union to maximize the trust of consumers and market supervisors;

? the effective prevention of irresponsible accusations;

● In the case of litigation, the CE certification of the designated authority of the European union shall become technical evidence with legal effect;

● Once the EU countries have been punished, the certification body will share the risk with the enterprise, thus reducing the risk of the enterprise.