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The "CE" mark is a safety certification mark that is considered a passport for manufacturers to open and enter the European market. CE stands for European Uniform CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE). In the EU market, the "CE" mark is a mandatory certification mark, whether it is the products produced by enterprises within the EU, or other countries to produce products, in order to free circulation in the EU market, it must be affixed "CE" logo to indicate the product In line with the EU "technical coordination and standardization of new methods" directive of the basic requirements. This is a mandatory requirement by the EU law for the product. Must be issued by a certification body headquartered in the EU member states. Since the late 80s, a number of foreign certification bodies have been stationed in China.

CE is the abbreviation of the French, the English meaning "European Conformity that the European Community, in fact, CE or many European countries in the language of the" EC "abbreviation of the phrase, the original English phrase EUROPEAN COMMUNITY abbreviated as EC, After the EC in France is COMMUNATE EUROPEIA, Italian for COMUNITA EUROPEA, Portuguese for COMUNIDADE EUROPEIA, Spanish for COMUNIDADE EUROPE, etc., it changed EC to CE. Of course, may also wish to CE as CONFORMITY WITH EUROPEAN (DEMAND) (In line with European (required)), constitute the "main requirement" of the core of the European Directive, in resolution (85 / C136 / 01) of the European Commission on May 7, 1985, "New Methods for Technical Coordination and Standards" There is a need for the "main requirement" for the purpose of making and implementing the directive, that is limited to the product does not endanger the basic safety requirements of the safety aspects of human, animal and cargo, rather than the general quality requirements, the harmonized directives require only the main requirements, The request is a standard task. The product conforms to the relevant requirements of the relevant directive and can be accompanied by the CE mark Whether the CE mark is a safe and qualified mark rather than a quality mark. In the 1940s, the Western European countries felt that they wanted to ensure themselves between the two major powers of the United States and the Soviet Union. The security of the international status, to speed up economic development, must be united, so push the process of European integration.