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Material certification

Food contact materials refer to materials that are accessible to foodstuffs in the process of transporting foodstuffs with processed packaging. Common materials include various plastic cermet glass and wood products, etc. Environmental protection of these materials that are accessible to food The situation is directly related to the user's diet safety and health, so the export of such products to the United States in accordance with FDA standards for the relevant testing and certification

Common and food contact materials FDA certification testing items are as follows:

Organic coatings, metals and electroplated products require U.S. FDA CFR 21 175.300.

Water extraction method

8% alcohol extract

N-heptane extract

Paper product requirements U.S. FDA CFR 21 176.170

Net chloroform soluble extract for water fraction (deionized water extraction method).

Net chloroform soluble extractives for 8% alcohol powder Chloroform soluble extract (8% alcohol extract)

Net chloroform soluble extractives for 50% alcohol powder Chloroform soluble extract (50% alcohol extract)

Net chloroform soluble extract of n-heptane fraction Chloroform soluble extract (n-heptane leaching)

Wood requirements U.S. FDA CFR 21 178.3800

Pentachlorophenol and its salt

ABS requirements U.S. FDA CFR 21 181.32 or 180.22.

In - water deionization

In 3% acetic acid 3% acetic acid leaching method

In 8% ethanol 8% alcohol leaching method

In n-heptane